Monday, April 14, 2014


I feel like God has really blessed me with some amazing people in my life and I often times wonder how I ever got so lucky. Not only do I have great people to call my friends and family, but I have great christian people that I can call my friends and family.

It gives a feeling beyond words to have people genuinely care so much that they are willing to sacrifice so much of their own lives for you.

Surprise Part 1

The weekend after my birthday (Last week) I was welcomed with the surprise of 20 screaming friends as I was showered with about a pound of confetti that, by the way, literally took me two days to get out of my hair! There were people there that I didn't expect at all to show up, people that to be honest, I hadn't even treated that nicely in the past, and they were still there for me.

Lesson Learned

I learned a very important lesson that night. The hours that I spent that I night, were spent mostly with that one person that I was most surprised to see. I finally took time and decided that I would invest in them and in the end, I had gained a whole new level of friendship with this person. I had been taking her friendship for granted and I didn't even know it. I felt sad and ashamed. I learned that night how blessed I am to have friends that love me enough to throw this party for me, and especially how blessed I am to have friends that still love me even after I have wronged them.

Surprise Part 2

A week after my birthday surprise (two days ago) another friend decided to throw a surprise Bridal Shower for me. After they yelled surprise, I actually said "Again?!" because I thought it was yet another birthday! It took me a few seconds to figure out what was going on until I saw this lovely gem with my fiancĂ©'s face on it hehe. 

Anyways, for the past 3 months or so I have been feeling kind of disappointed because none of my bridesmaids had offered to do a shower for me and of course I wasn't going to demand that they throw me one... But as it turns out, the shower was planned months in advance and all of my pouting and doubt was for nothing because my friends did come through. 

I think that it is safe to say that after two surprise parties in the same week, I have great people in my life. And that is not to say that you only have great people in your life if they throw you a surprise party too, because that would be incorrect. Everybody has a different love language and mine just so happens to be Giving Gifts and Words of Affirmation. (You can click the link above to learn more about this concept and even take a test to see what your love language is). So for me, having a surprise party is something that really makes me feel loved.

Lesson Learned

There are a few things that I learned and few things that I need to start doing.
  • stop worrying
  • stop doubting
  • appreciate the friends and family in my life
  • enjoy the life that God has given me


I challenge each of my readers to first, take the love language test if you have not done so already. I highly recommend this to everyone. Second, I challenge you all to pick a friend/family member (or two, or three) and do something nice for them this week. Go out of your way to let that friend know how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate their friendship. If you are feeling extra bold, do something nice for someone that you aren't quite friends with yet, like a coworker or just someone that you see regularly. 


How did you go out of your way to show a friend you appreciated them?

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