This post is defnitely later than it should be, just as most of them have been this pregnancy. I was out of state, in a wedding and in the hospital this past week and so I'm just now getting to it. But alas, I did get some good preggo photos out of these events and I'll share them on here if you haven't already seen them on Facebook. :)
How far along: 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 32 lbs.
Maternity clothes: I pretty much just wear my old stretchy clothes and baggy shirts at this point. My well fitting maternity clothes are packed in my hospital bad and I don't want to take them out and forget to put them back in!
Stretch Marks: Still don't have any
Sleep: It's nice when it's happening but I still wake up a million times in the middle of the night. Usually from some kind of pain or cramps.
Best moments of this week: When my stomach wasn't being touched or rubbed by someone lol
Miss anything: Coffee. I'm so tired and not being able to have a cup in the morning is torture.
Movement: Mostly rolls and flips as it's probably getting way too small in their for her
Food cravings: Not really anything that I can think of at this point. I guess I'd have to say any foods that I know would help induce labor ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: When i'm hungry and don't have access to food.
Have you started to show yet: Well, I'm about to pop any day so I'd say yes.
Gender: Baby girl!
Name picked out?: Lacey Jo <3
Labor signs: LOL. Well, I was in the hospital overnight the other night showing signs of early labor for 4 hours. It was rough but it was eventually stopped when the millions of bags of fluid they gave me finally kicked in. Oh yeah, and the morphine.. that stuff was wonderful for the pain.
Belly button in or out: Pretty much all the way out.
Wedding rings on or off: On still!
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm pretty much cranky all of the time. I just want this baby out now!
Looking forward to: My next appt on Tuesday. The Dr. is going to do something that will hopefully get things moving along.
Favorite thing said to me this week: "I think you'll go early." I sure hope so.